PySpark 处理数据和数据建模


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, when, count, countDistinct from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType,StringType from import OneHotEncoderEstimator, StringIndexer, VectorAssembler from import RandomForestClassifier, GBTClassifier from import BinaryClassificationEvaluator
spark = SparkSession.builder\ .config(“spark.some.config.option”, “some-value”) \ .config(spark.debug.maxToStringFields, 50) \ .appName(“Python Spark SQL Hive integration example”)\ .enableHiveSupport()\ .getOrCreate() sc = spark.sparkContext



data = spark.sql(select * from db_so_default_tenant.entity_clueinfo where custom_username not like %测试% ) # 时间部分的code报错,尚未修改 # and FROM_UNIXTIME(custom_create_time,%Y-%m-%d) between date_format(date_sub(current_date,365), %Y-%m-01) # and date_format(date_sub(current_date, 15), %Y-%m-%d) ## Lets have a look at the data type data.printSchema()

# 保留部分列:

keep_var_lst=[custom_clue_id, custom_create_time, custom_post_time, custom_username, custom_sex, custom_mobile, custom_mobile_area, custom_approach_id, custom_channel_id, custom_product_id, custom_pattern_id,custom_media_id, custom_ctype_id, custom_activity_id,custom_detail,custom_province_id,custom_city_id,custom_district_id, custom_utm_source,custom_utm_content,custom_utm_medium, custom_utm_campaign, custom_resource,custom_detail, custom_dealer_id, custom_area_id,custom_two_area_id ] data =


# 读入数据,查看数据结构

lead_feedback = spark.sql(“select * from db_so_default_tenant.entity_clueinfosync”) lead_feedback.printSchema()

# 仅保留部分列

keep_var_lst2 = [custom_clue_id, custom_verify_status, custom_sync_time] lead_feedback = # print((lead_feedback.count(), len(lead_feedback.columns))) ## (1577626, 3)


# data表append lead flag需要的字段 df = data.join(lead_feedback, on=[custom_clue_id], how=left) # print((df.count(), len(df.columns))) ## (1466832, 29) # (1560986, 29)

2. 数据整合


# 利用pyspark.sql.functions中的when进行数据重塑

df = df.withColumn(label,when(df[custom_verify_status]==2,1).otherwise(0))


# 时间戳转换为日期 #注册临时表供SQL查询使用 df.createOrReplaceTempView(“temp”) # newDF = spark.sql(“select *, to_date(create_time, dim_month_id), to_date(create_time, dim_day_id) from df_sql “) newDF = spark.sql(“””select *, from_unixtime(custom_create_time, yyyy-MM)as dim_month_id, from_unixtime(custom_create_time, yyyy-MM-dd)as dim_day_id, from_unixtime(custom_create_time, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)as create_time_new, from_unixtime(custom_post_time, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)as post_time_new from temp “””)
# 提取相应日期字段 #注册临时表供SQL查询使用 newDF.createOrReplaceTempView(“temp”) # newDF = spark.sql(“select *, to_date(create_time, dim_month_id), to_date(create_time, dim_day_id) from df_sql “) newDF = spark.sql(“””select *, month(create_time_new) as create_monthofyear, FLOOR((day(create_time_new)-1)/7)+1 as create_weekofmonth, dayofweek(create_time_new) as create_dayofweek, weekofyear(create_time_new) as create_weekofyear, hour(create_time_new) as create_hourofday, floor(hour(create_time_new)/2) as create_hourofday2, case when hour(create_time_new) between 8 and 11 then a.8-11 when hour(create_time_new) =12 then b.12 when hour(create_time_new) between 13 and 17 then c.13-17 when hour(create_time_new) between 18 and 19 then d.18-19 when hour(create_time_new) between 20 and 23 then e.20-23 when hour(create_time_new) =0 then f.0 when hour(create_time_new) between 1 and 2 then g.1-2 when hour(create_time_new) =3 then h.3 when hour(create_time_new) between 4 and 5 then j.4-5 when hour(create_time_new) between 6 and 7 then k.6-7 end as create_hour_flag, month(post_time_new) as post_monthofyear, FLOOR((day(post_time_new)-1)/7)+1 as post_weekofmonth, dayofweek(post_time_new) as post_dayofweek, weekofyear(post_time_new) as post_weekofyear, hour(post_time_new) as post_hourofday, floor(hour(post_time_new)/2) as post_hourofday2, case when hour(post_time_new) between 9 and 11 then a.9-11 when hour(post_time_new) =12 then b.12 when hour(post_time_new) between 13 and 19 then c.13-19 when hour(post_time_new) =20 then d.20 when hour(post_time_new) between 21 and 23 then e.21-23 when hour(post_time_new) between 0 and 2 then f.0-2 when hour(post_time_new) =3 then g.3 when hour(post_time_new) between 4 and 8 then h.4-8 end as post_hour_flag from temp”””)


df2 = newDF # 创建简单flag,如果为null值则为0,否则为1 def func_var_flag(var): if var == None or var == 0 or var == or var == 0: return 0 else: return 1 func_var_flag_udf = udf(func_var_flag, IntegerType())
unknown_flag=[custom_username,custom_mobile_area,custom_approach_id,custom_channel_id,custom_product_id,custom_pattern_id, custom_media_id,custom_ctype_id,custom_activity_id,custom_utm_source, custom_utm_content,custom_utm_medium, custom_utm_campaign,custom_province_id, custom_city_id,custom_district_id,custom_dealer_id, custom_area_id,custom_two_area_id,custom_resource,custom_detail ] for column in unknown_flag: df2=df2.withColumn(column + _flag, func_var_flag_udf(df2[column])) # df2.limit(2).toPandas() # df2.groupBy(mobile_area, mobile_area_flag).count().sort(“count”,ascending=False).show(4)



# 创建简单flag,如果为null值则返回unk,否则返回其本身,字符型数据的处理,数值型呢????? def func_var_grp_flag(var): if var == None or var == : return Unk else: return var func_var_grp_udf = udf(func_var_grp_flag, StringType())
unknown_grp_flag=[custom_sex,custom_utm_medium] for column in unknown_grp_flag: df2=df2.withColumn(column + _grp, func_var_grp_udf(df2[column])) # df2.limit(2).toPandas() # df2.dtypes len(df2.columns)

3.字符串格式的case when,使用sql

#注册临时表供SQL查询使用 df2.createOrReplaceTempView(“temp”) # newDF = spark.sql(“select *, to_date(create_time, dim_month_id), to_date(create_time, dim_day_id) from df_sql “) df3 = spark.sql(“””select *, CHAR_LENGTH(trim(custom_username)) as name_len, case when CHAR_LENGTH(custom_username) = 1 then len=1 when custom_username in (400用户,询价客户,客户,团购用户,微聊客户,网友,报价用户,匿名用户 ,汽车之家用户,车主,佚名, 爱卡用户,询价用户,17汽车来电客户,团购客户,匿名,意向客户) then custom_username when custom_username like %先生% or custom_username like %女士% then x Mr/Mrs when SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,1) =”1″ and CHAR_LENGTH(trim(custom_username))=11 then phone_num when substr(custom_username,1,1) in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) then numbers when CHAR_LENGTH(custom_username) > 3 then len>3 else Normal end as name_flag2, CHAR_LENGTH(trim(custom_mobile)) as mobile_len, case when SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,1) =0 then fixed-line telephone when SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,1) =1 and CHAR_LENGTH(trim(custom_mobile)) =11 then mobile phone else No-valid end as tel_flag, case when SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,1) =1 and CHAR_LENGTH(custom_mobile)=11 then SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,2) end as tel_head2, case when SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,1) =1 and CHAR_LENGTH(custom_mobile)=11 then SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,3) end as tel_head3, case when CHAR_LENGTH(custom_mobile)<>11 then Not-Phone when SUBSTR(trim(custom_mobile),1,3) in (186,138,139,135,136,137,159,158,150,151, 187,182,189,152,188,176,185,180,183,133, 181,177,131,130,132,156,134,153,155,173, 157,199,178,175,166,184,198,147,191,170,171 ) then valid else No-Valid end as tel_head3_grp, case when custom_mobile_area is null or custom_mobile_area=”” then Unk when custom_mobile_area in (海口市,大连市,昆明市,吉林市,江门市,西宁市,珠海市,呼和浩特市,张家口市) then level1 when custom_mobile_area in (金华市,赣州市,湖州市,徐州市,盐城市) then level2 when custom_mobile_area in (沈阳市,成都市) then level3 when custom_mobile_area in (杭州市,南京市,宜春市,吉安市) then level4 else Others end as mobile_area_grp, case when custom_channel_id in (73,72,10070,62,10063,61,10012,10061,65,60,10072,76, 10062,10071,63,10073,36,77) then custom_channel_id else Others end as channel_grp, case when custom_media_id in (4f15069347ea4) then level1 when custom_media_id in (4f15069348034) then level2 when custom_media_id in (5c7397fa8c5f3) then level3 when custom_media_id in (5aa8e618a1915,58107fdf18a64) then level4 when custom_media_id in (588176b5dc052,4f150a09d9a7d,541994c0e4126,54068f14cde9b, 5a308c5df0537, 54052681387a5, 54068f14cde9h, 5c6d2672f1f95, 57d2a59bc8dbb, 4f15053feac73, 5c233d3561514, 4f150693481c2, 4f15069348647, 4f150a09db456, 4f150a09d608c) then level5 when custom_media_id in (0) then Unk else Others end as media_grp, case when custom_detail is null or custom_detail= “” then NULL when custom_detail like %询价% then Inquire when custom_detail like %经销商% then Retail when custom_detail like %试驾% then Trial run when custom_detail like 2.0L % or custom_detail like 2.5L % then car_type when custom_detail like %通话% then comment6 when custom_detail like %失败% then comment2 when custom_detail like %成功% then comment1 when custom_detail like %无效% then comment3 when custom_detail like %黑名单% then comment4 when custom_detail like %姓名% then comment5 end as comment_type, case when custom_province_id in (150000,460000,630000,530000,620000,520000,650000,24) then level1 when custom_province_id in (440000,610000,31,220000,640000) then level2 when custom_province_id in (130000,430000,370000,25,410000,210000,340000) then level3 when custom_province_id in (420000,350000,230000) then level4 when custom_province_id in (320000,450000,510000,360000,140000,330000,2) then level5 end as custom_province_grp, case when custom_area_id in (215,499) then South when custom_area_id in (497) then North when custom_area_id in (500) then East2 when custom_area_id in (20004) then East1 when custom_area_id in (221,501) then North-East when custom_area_id in (502) then West end as area_grp from temp “””)
# df3.dtypes len(df3.columns) # 84


# 删除一些不需要的列 drop_list1 = [custom_create_time,custom_post_time, create_time_new,post_time_new, custom_verify_status, custom_sync_time, custom_username,custom_mobile,custom_mobile_area,custom_media_id, custom_utm_source,custom_utm_content,custom_utm_medium,custom_utm_campaign,custom_detail ] df4 =[column for column in df3.columns if column not in drop_list1]) len(df4.columns)


# List of variables to drop – only independent variables should be left in final dataset drop_attrs = [ “custom_clue_id”, “dim_month_id”,”dim_day_id”] df4 =[column for column in df4.columns if column not in drop_attrs]) # # df4.dtypes len(df4.columns)


# 运行时间长 # Check if there are categorical vars with 25+ levels one_value_flag=[] for column in df4.columns: if one_value_flag.append(column) one_value_flag df4=df4.drop(*one_value_flag) len(df4.columns)


# 数值转为字符,有一些列读进来的时候转为了数值型 df5=df4 int_to_string_list=[custom_approach_id,custom_channel_id,custom_product_id,custom_pattern_id,custom_ctype_id, custom_activity_id,custom_province_id,custom_city_id,custom_district_id, custom_dealer_id,custom_area_id,custom_two_area_id ] for col in int_to_string_list: df5 = df5.withColumn(col, df5[col].cast(StringType())) # 单个列测试 # df5 = df4.withColumn(approach_id, df4[approach_id].cast(StringType())) # df5.dtypes
numeric_cols = [x[0] for x in df5.dtypes if (x[1] != string)& (x[0] != label) ] numeric_cols
# 字符串,其中Attrition是因变量 string_cols = [x[0] for x in df5.dtypes if (x[1] == string) ] string_cols


# 当字符串中包含null值时,onehot编码会报错 for col in string_cols: df5 =, EMPTY) df5 =, EMPTY,col)



If any column has > 25 categories, add that column to drop list (line 24) or convert to continious variable if possible

# 运行时间长 # Check if there are categorical vars with 25+ levels string_more_than32=[] string_more_than25=[] string_less_than25=[] for column in string_cols: if>=32: string_more_than32.append(column) if>=25: string_more_than25.append(column) else: string_less_than25.append(column) # df_long_factors =[when(countDistinct(column) >=25, T).otherwise(F).alias(column) for column in string_cols]) # string_more_than32 # # 166


#删除在drop_attrs中的列 df5 = df5.drop(*string_more_than32) len(df5.columns) string_more_than25 string_25_than32 = list(set(string_more_than25).difference(set(string_more_than32))) string_25_than32 string_less_than25 string_cols = [x[0] for x in df5.dtypes if (x[1] == string) ] string_cols


# 1. Encode the categorical data main_stages = [] for col in string_cols: indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol = col, outputCol = col + Index, handleInvalid=”keep”) main_stages += [indexer] # ?StringIndexer
# 2. OneHotEncoder for string_less_than25 for col in string_less_than25: encoder = OneHotEncoderEstimator(inputCols = [col + Index], outputCols = [col + Vec]) main_stages += [encoder]
# 1.Variables numericas assemblerInputs = numeric_cols # 2.Index the label feature assemblerInputs = assemblerInputs + [col + Index for col in string_25_than32] # 3.Add continuous variable — one hot encoding assemblerInputs = assemblerInputs + [col + Vec for col in string_less_than25] # len(df5.columns)# 65 Y # len(assemblerInputs) # 64
# 4.Assemble the steps.pass all the steps in the VectorAssembler # 导入VerctorAssembler 将多个列合并成向量列的特征转换器,即将表中各列用一个类似list表示,输出预测列为单独一列。 assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=assemblerInputs, outputCol=features) main_stages += [assembler]
# 5.Create a Pipeline.Now that all the steps are ready, you push the data to the pipeline # 花费时间比较长 from import Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline(stages = main_stages) pipelineModel = df6 = pipelineModel.transform(df5)



# 创建新的只有label和features的表 # dfi =[label, features]) dfi =[label, features]) # 将数据集分为训练集和测试集 train, test = dfi.randomSplit([0.7,0.3], 100) # train,test,validation = dfi.randomSplit([0.6,0.2,0.2],seed=2020) # 运行时间超长 # print(“Training Dataset Count: ” + str(train.count())) # print(“Test Dataset Count: ” + str(test.count())) # Training Dataset Count: 1249630 # Test Dataset Count: 311356

Random Forest Classifier

# 模型配置 rf = RandomForestClassifier( labelCol=label, \ featuresCol=features, \ numTrees=100, \ maxBins=32 ) # 训练模型 # Fit the data to the model rfModel = # 用 transform() 方法在测试集上做预测 predictions = rfModel.transform(test) #选择预测结果中字段进行查看 label, rawPrediction, prediction, probability)\ .orderBy(probability, ascending=False)\ .show(n=10, truncate=30)


|label| rawPrediction|prediction| probability|


| 0|[79.15890827146472,20.84109…| 0.0|[0.7915890827146475,0.20841…|

| 0|[79.10923525773862,20.89076…| 0.0|[0.7910923525773864,0.20890…|

| 0|[78.98945518105177,21.01054…| 0.0|[0.7898945518105179,0.21010…|

| 0|[78.9282993850366,21.071700…| 0.0|[0.7892829938503662,0.21071…|

| 0|[78.91212774787148,21.08787…| 0.0|[0.7891212774787151,0.21087…|

| 0|[78.89054837885494,21.10945…| 0.0|[0.7889054837885496,0.21109…|

| 0|[78.89054837885494,21.10945…| 0.0|[0.7889054837885496,0.21109…|

| 0|[78.89054837885494,21.10945…| 0.0|[0.7889054837885496,0.21109…|

| 0|[78.89054837885494,21.10945…| 0.0|[0.7889054837885496,0.21109…|

| 0|[78.89054837885494,21.10945…| 0.0|[0.7889054837885496,0.21109…|

#检验模型效果 evaluator = BinaryClassificationEvaluator() print(“Test Area Under ROC: ” + str(evaluator.evaluate(predictions, {evaluator.metricName: “areaUnderROC”}))) # Test Area Under ROC: 0.6160155402990332


# import sys, os # os.getcwd() rfModel.write().overwrite().save(Model test/rfModel)


from import RandomForestClassificationModel model_1 = RandomForestClassificationModel.load(Model test/rfModel)

Gradient-Boosted Tree Classifier

# 模型配置 train a GBTC model gbt = GBTClassifier(maxIter=10)
# 训练模型 # Fit the data to the model gbtModel =
# 用 transform() 方法在测试集上做预测 predictions = gbtModel.transform(test) #选择预测结果中字段进行查看 label, rawPrediction, prediction, probability).show(10)


|label| rawPrediction|prediction| probability|


| 0|[-0.0582178194283…| 1.0|[0.47092393217850…|

| 0|[-0.0667980984304…| 1.0|[0.46665053764714…|

| 0|[-0.0560469563372…| 1.0|[0.47200582803120…|

| 0|[0.04211971652931…| 0.0|[0.52104741320470…|

| 0|[0.08544882017875…| 0.0|[0.54262072878469…|

| 0|[-0.0728647167488…| 1.0|[0.46363198136231…|

| 0|[-0.0142166646760…| 1.0|[0.49289214652005…|

| 0|[0.08754857661758…| 0.0|[0.54366279043135…|

| 0|[-0.0676538770780…| 1.0|[0.46622457631215…|

| 0|[-0.0713656699888…| 1.0|[0.46437762010753…|

#模型检验 evaluator = BinaryClassificationEvaluator() print(“Test Area Under ROC: ” + str(evaluator.evaluate(predictions, {evaluator.metricName: “areaUnderROC”})))

# 保存Gradient-Boosted 模型

gbtModel.write().overwrite().save(Model test/gbtModel)

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